Table 2. Values for Dynamic Postural Stability Index, directional components, and vGRFmax according to ankle brace condition. Data are means (±SD).
Variable Condition P-value Effect Size Observed Power
Dynamic Postural Stability Index (DPSI ) .32 (.01) .32 (.01) .31 (.01) .014 .38 .78
Anterior-posterior stability index (APSI ) .14 (.01) .13 (.01) .13 (.02) .315 .12 .23
Medial-lateral stability index (MLSI ) .03 (.01) .03 (.00) .03 (.01) .508 .07 .15
Vertical stability index (VSI ) .29 (.02) .29 (.03) .28 (.03) .005 .44 .88
vGRF max (%BW) 1.90 (.23) 1.90 (.24) 1.84 (.25) .037 .31 .66
NB, Non Brace; SB, Soft supoort Brace; SRB, Semi-rigid support Brace; vGRF max, maximum vertical grand reaction force; %BW, % body weight. *Effect size was calculated using the formula f = d* √1/2k   , where d = (mmax – mmin) / σ and k = the number of treatments. Observed power was generated by SPSS software.