Table 1. Pre- and Post-match mean (±SD) values for salivary concentrations together with 95% confidence interval and effect size.
Match 1 Match 2
Cortisol (nmol·L-1) Pre- 10.18 (1.54) 12.24 (4.49)
Post- 22.07 (7.03) 16.49 (7.70)
% Diff +53.9% +25.8%
p-value <.001 .058
95% CI 8.22 – 15.56 .16 – 8.69
Effect size 0.75 .32
Testosterone (nmol·L-1) Pre- .27 (.07) .25 (.36)
Post- .39 (.14) .36 (.16)
% Diff +29.8% +32.8%
p-value .002 <.001
95% CI .05 – .17 .06 – .17
Effect size .46 .42
IgA (nmol·L-1) Pre- 347.6 (172.6) 334.6 (101.0
Post- 335.0 (154.6) 330.9 (162.9)
% Diff -3.7% +1.3%
p-value .74 .91
95% CI -35.53 – 25.80 -69.43 – 77.74
Effect size .04 .01
T/C ratio Pre- .22 (.08) .17 (.07)
Post- .15 (.05) .19 (.08)
% Diff -31.9% +10.5%
p-value <.001 .18
95% CI -.09 – -.04 -.01 – .05
Effect size .53 .13