Table 3. Total energy utilized, CHO oxidation and Fat oxidation during exercise and post exercise in each trials. Value are mean (±SE).
Morning Evening
Kcal Fatmax 60%VO2max Fatmax 60%VO2max
Total energy 787.2 (35.8) 816.6 (27.5) 814.5 (30.8) 818.2 (31.5)
Energy from CHO 533.7 (35.6) * 681.9 (28.7) 566.3 (12.1) # 683.1 (23.4)
Energy from Fat 235.5 (30.1) $ 134.7 (12.4) 248.2 (27.6) †  135.0 (13.2)
CHO, Carboydrate.
* p < 0.01 Fatmax vs 60%VO2max in Morning,
# p < 0.01 Fatmax vs 60%VO2max in Evening.
$ p < 0.01Fatmax VS 60%VO2max in Morning,
†  p < 0.001 Fatmax VS 60%VO2max in Evening