Table 1. Descriptive statistics for the total sample.
n Range Mean SD
Min Max Value SE (95% CI)
Chronological age (years) 66 10.92 18.57 14.49 0.25 (13.99 to 14.99) 2.04
Accumulated soccer training (years) 66 1.00 11.00 6.06 0.28 (5.50 to 6.62) 2.29
Weekly volume of training (h) 66 3.0 12.0 5.9 0.2 (5.6 to 6.3) 1.5
5-m sprint (s) 66 1.04 1.45 1.22 0.01 (1.20 to 1.25) 0.10
10-m sprint (s) 66 1.82 2.53 2.07 0.02 (2.03 to 2.12) 0.17
CMJ (cm) 60 17.85 46.10 30.63 0.87 (28.89 to 32.38) 6.76
CMJ-free arms (cm) 60 18.45 52.25 36.58 0.97 (34.63 to 38.52) 7.53
S-Keeper Right (s) 66 1.79 2.76 2.11 0.03 (2.06 to 2.17) 0.21
          Left (s) 66 1.81 2.74 2.10 0.02 (2.05 to 2.14) 0.19
LS-Keeper Right (s) 66 3.91 5.88 4.72 0.06 (4.60 to 4.83) 0.48
         Left (s) 66 4.07 5.76 4.72 0.06 (4.60 to 4.83) 0.45