Table 2. Mean (±standard deviation, SD) at each trial session, mean differences between tests and respective 95% confidence intervals and results of paired T-Test (n = 26).
Session 1 Session 2 Mean difference (95% CI) t df p ES
S-Keeper Right (s) 2.19 (.24) 2.13 (.23) .06 (.02 to .11) 2.801 25 .010 .489
Left (s) 2.13 (.22) 2.16 (.27) -.03 (-.08 to .02) -1.152 25 .260 .225
LS-Keeper Right (s) 4.81 (.51) 4.64 (.45) .17 (.08 to .25) 4.059 25 .000 .630
Left (s) 4.77 (.45) 4.70 (.49) .07 (-.04 to .18) 1.313 25 .201 .254