Table 2. Descriptive AL/min. Differences in means (%) ± 90% Confidence Limits and uncertainty in the true differences. All players pooled.
Confrontation format (mean±SD)
Court 2v2
(n = 22)
(n = 42)
(n = 42)
(n = 42)
Difference in means (%); ±90% CL Uncertainty in the true differences
Full 14.6±2.8 18.7±4.1 13.8±2.5 17.9±4.6 a) -31.1; ±12.7 most likely
b) 9.7; ±5.6 likely
c) -29.3; ±10.6 most likely
d) 25.9; ±4.2 most likely
e) 4.2; ±6.2 possibly
f) -29.5; ±7.3 most likely
Differences in means ((%); ±90% CL) are identified as: a) 2v2-3v3; b) 2v2-4v4; c) 2v2-5v5; d) 3v3-4v4; e) 3v3-5v5; f) 4v4-5v5.