Table 3. Kappa coefficient for inter-rater reliability for each item of the Modified Tuck Jump Assessment.
Phase of jump Criterion Total Scores
Across Raters
Mean (±SD)
Kappa value
Knee and thigh motion 1. Lower extremity valgus at landing 1.13 (.90) .87
2. Thighs do not reach parallel .40 (.50) .91
3. Thighs not equal side-to-side 1.17 (.43) .75
Foot Position During Landing 4. Foot placement not shoulder width apart .25 (.49) .77
5. Foot placement not parallel 1.10 (.31 .78
6. Foot contact timing not equal .06 (.24) .65
7. Excessive landing contact noise 1.44 (.55) .76
Plyometric Technique 8. Pause between jumps .13 (.34) 1.00
9. Technique declines prior to10 sec 1.00 (.29) .35
10. Does not land in same footprint 1.21 (.46) .78