Table 1. Anthropometric data and age at peak height velocity of participants according to sport and age group. Data are means (±SD).
Male Female
Height [m] Weight [kg] APHV [yrs] Height [m] Weight [kg] APHV [yrs]
Type of sport Strength-related 1.65 (.09) 56.7 (11.4) 13.9 (.6) 1.61 (.07) 53.6 (8.5) 12.3 (.5)
Endurance-related 1.63 (1.00) 51.4 (9.0) 14.0 (.6) 1.60 (.05) 52.0 (7.0) 12.4 (.4)
Technique-related 161 (.08) 52.6 (11.8) 14.0 (.6) 1.65 (.07) 50.0 (8.1) 12.5 (.4)
Age group First year 1.70 (.07) 60.7 (10.2) 13.9 (.6) 1.62 (.06) 54.3 (7.3) 12.6 (.4)
Second year 1.62 (.08) 51.8 (8.5) 14.0 (.6) 1.59 (.06) 51.7 (7.4) 12.3 (.4)
Third year 1.55 (.06) 45.0 (7.7) 14.0 (.5) 1.57 (.06) 48.1 (8.1) 12.0 (.4)
Total 1.64 (.09) 54.4 (11.0) 14.0 (.6) 1.60 (.06) 52.2 (7.9) 12.4 (.5)
APHV = age at peak height velocity