Table 6. Anthropometric characteristics and age at peak height velocity according to relative age quarter. Data are means (±SD).
Relative age quarter
First eligible year (1) Second eligible year (2) Third eligible year (3)
Q1(1) Q2(1) Q3(1) Q4(1) Q1(2) Q2(2) Q3(2) Q4(2) Q1(3) Q2(3) Q3(3) Q4(3)
BW [kg] ♂ 61.0 (9.0) 62.2 (9.8) 61.4 (10.9) 58.3 (10.8) 53.5 (6.8) 54.4 (10.4) 50.6 (7.6) 46.7 (8.1) 43.5 (9.1) 44.9 (9.5) 46.1 (4.7) 45.5 (7.0)
♀ 55.2 (6.2) 54.3 (6.4) 52.2 (8.9) 54.6 (9.1) 51.5 (6.6) 54.0 (6.7) 53.3 (8.0) 47.8 (8.6) 47.8 (8.4) 47.9 (8.8) 48.8 (8.9) 48.1 (6.8)
BH [m] ♂ 1.71 (.06) 1.71 (.06) 1.71 (.08) 1.67 (.08) 1.65 (.07) 1.64 (.09) 1.61 (.07) 1.58 (0.10) 1.54 (.09) 1.55 (.07) 1.55 (.05) 1.55 (.04)
♀ 1.63 (.06) 1.60 (.05) 1.63 (0.06) 1.62 (.06) 1.59 (.06) 1.63 (.05) 1.60 (.07) 1.55 (.02) 1.59 (.06) 1.58 (.08) 1.56 (.05) 1.55 (.05)
APHV [yrs] ♂ 14.0 (.5) 13.9 (0.6) 13.8 (.6) 13.9 (.7) 14.0 (.5) 14.0 (.6) 14.1 (.7) 14.1 (.7) 14.2 (.5) 14.0 (.5) 13.8 (.3) 13.7 (.4)
♀ 12.7 (.4) 12.7 (.3) 12.5 (.4) 12.3 (.4) 12.4 (.3) 12.1 (.4) 12.1 (.4) 12.4 (.3) 12.1 (.4) 12.0 (.5) 11.9 (.4) 11.9 (.3)
BW = Body weight; BH = Body height.