Table 1. Physical demands across positional groups and as a whole team. Data is displayed as Means (and 95% confidence intervals).
Absolute Outside backs Forwards Adjustables Whole Team
Total Dist (m) 1644 (1571-1717) 1375 (1308 – 1443) * 1409 (1220–1598) 1466.4 (1369 – 1564)
HSR (m) 121.6 (111.1-132.1) 117.0 (105.1 – 128.9) 117.9 (82.7 – 153.2) 118.7 (103.1 – 134.3)
VHSR (m) 75.9 (68.7-83.1) 45.8 (39.3 – 52.2) 60.9 (40.6 – 81.2) 60.0 (49.8 – 70.1)
Sprint (m) 97.7 (81.3-114.1) * 22.6 (15.8-29.3) * 43.9 (27.2 – 60.7) 52.2 (36.4 – 68.0)
Sprint efforts (n) 4.5 (3.9-5.1) * 2.0 (1.7-2.3) * 2.6 (1.8 – 3.4) 2.9 (2.3 – 3.5)
Relative Outside backs Forwards Adjustables Whole Team
Total Dist (m·min-1) 84.8 (81.0 – 88.5) * 73.55 (73.2-73.9) 74.6 (64.5 – 84.6) 77.2 (72.0 – 82.3)
HSR (m·min-1) 6.3 (5.7-6.8) 6.2 (5.6-6.9) 6.2 (4.4 – 8.1) 6.2 (5.4-7.1)
VHSR (m·min-1) 3.9 (3.5-4.3) 2.4 (2.1 – 2.8) 3.2 (2.1 – 4.3) 3.2 (2.6-3.7)
Sprint (m·min-1) 5.0 (4.2-5.9) * 1.2 (0.8 – 1.6) 2.3 (1.4 – 3.2) 2.7 (1.9 – 3.6)
Sprint effort (efforts/min) .23 (.2 - .3) * .1 (.1 - .2) .1 (.1 - .2) .2 (.1 - .2)
HSR, high-speed running (>14.4 km·h-1); VHSR, very-high-speed running (>19.0 km·h-1); Sprint, sprint distance (>23.0 km·h-1); Sprint Efforts, number of sprint efforts (>23.0 km·h-1).
* Significantly different from Adjustables (p < 0.05);
†  Significantly different from Forwards (p < 0.05).