Table 3. Magnitude of change and effect sizes of relative performance variables over the course a 9’s tournament. Chance that magnitude of change between two games is higher/no difference/lower (100/0/0).
Variable Game 1 Vs Game 3 Game 1 Vs Game 4 Game 1 Vs Game 6 Day 1 Vs Day 2
Total Dist (m·min-1) Likely (7/12/81)
Moderate -0.69
Possibly (34/44/22)
Trivial 0.07
Possibly (13/14/73)
Moderate -0.63
Likely (7/8/85)
Moderate -0.95
HSR (m·min-1) Likely (2/13/85)
Trivial -0.15
Likely (7/18/75)
Small -0.48
Possibly (18/22/60)
Small -0.34
Most Likely (0/1/99)
Very Large -2.10
VHSR (m·min-1) Possibly (42/39/19)
Trivial 0.13
Likely (0/4/96)
Small -0.52
Likely (8/9/83)
Moderate -0.92
Most Likely (0/0/100)
Large -1.81
Sprint (m·min-1) Possibly (10/38/52)
Small -0.22
Likely (12/8/80)
Moderate -0.95
Likely (9/6/85)
Large -1.23
Likely (12/4/84)
Very Large -2.14
Sprint effort (efforts/min) Likely (5/14/81)
Small -0.57
Likely (6/7/87)
Moderate -0.99
Likely (3/3/94)
Large -1.53
Most Likely (2/2/96)
Large -1.67
Effect sizes were interpreted as <0.2, trivial; 0.2-0.6, small; 0.6-1.2, moderate; 1.2-2.0, large; >2.0, very large. HSR, high-speed running (>14.4 km·h-1); VHSR, very-high-speed running (>19.0 km·h-1); Sprint, sprint distance (>23.0 km·h-1); Sprint Efforts, number of sprint efforts (>23.0 km·h-1).