Table 1. Concentric peak torque (Nm) for knee flexion and knee extension. Data are average (±SD).
Knee flexion Knee extension
60°/s 240°/s 450°/s 60°/s 240°/s 450°/s
Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post
RT 161(31) 170(32) 133(36) 150(28) 86(27) 81(20) 298(36) 291(46) 173(23) 176(23) 131(19) 123(18)
RTC 135(29) 147(27) 104(32) 114(18) 58(27) 63(25) 252(39) 259(33) 153(31) 158(28) 106(22) 113(23)
HVR 146(23) 168(33) 122(24) 142(27) 58(37) 84(34) 251(35) 262(17) 150(37) 164(20) 92(25) 118(26)
P <.04 * <.004 * <.035 *; <.014 # None None .025 *; .004 #
* Time
# Interaction
RT, resistance training group, which performed high-load, low-velocity concentric–eccentric hamstring actions; RTC, resistance training concentric group, which performed high-load, low-velocity concentric-only hamstring actions; and HVT, high-velocity elastic band training.