Table 5. Invariance tests across sex, age and sport level.
Model χ2 df p NNFI CFI RMSEA RMSEA 90%
∆χ2 Adf ACFI
Sex 1. Configural model 476.767 376 .001 .927 .940 .046 .032-.058 -- -- --
2. Invariant factor loadings 496.300 391 .001 .926 .938 .047 .033-.058 19.533 15 .002
3. Invariant factor correlations 520.270 412 .001 .928 .936 .046 .032-.057 23.97 21 .002
4. Invariant measurements errors 575.382 434 .001 .908 .918 .051 .039-.062 55.112 22 .018
Age 1. Configural model 446.932 376 .006 .947 .957 .039 .022-.052 -- -- --
2. Invariant factor loadings 457.389 391 .011 .953 .960 .037 .019-.050 10.466 15 .003
3. Invariant factor correlations 489.442 412 .005 .948 .953 .039 .022-.051 31.51 21 .007
4. Invariant measurements errors 558.344 434 .001 .919 .928 .048 .035-.059 68.902 22 .025
Sport level 1. Configural model 485.256 376 .001 .920 .935 .048 .035-.060 -- -- --
2. Invariant factor loadings 496.637 391 .001 .926 .937 .047 .033-.058 11.381 15 .006
3. Invariant factor correlations 552.308 412 .001 .907 .917 .052 .040-.063 55.671 21 .019
4. Invariant measurements errors 711.800 434 .001 .845 .861 .072 .062-.081 159.492 22 .062
Note: χ2 = chi-square; df = degrees of freedom; p= p value; NNFI = Bentler-Bonett non-normed fit index; CFI = comparative fit index; RMSEA = root mean square error of approximation; CI = confidence interval; ∆= change.