Table 3. Peak torque and HOMA values and plasma concentration of glucose and insulin. Data are means (±SEM).
Variable Group Presup Postsup Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9
Peak Torque (Nm) Con 200.9 (12.4) 199.1 (11.8) 192.6 (12.0) 203.3 (13.2) 210.8 (12.8) * 214.3 (11.6) *
Vit 202.8 (11.3) 200.0 (10.3) 203.1 (12.4) 205.3 (10.7) 209.1 (12.1) * 218.9 (11.7) *
Glucose (mM) Con 4.74 (.18) 4.79 (.18) 4.73 (.17) 4.74 (.19) 4.68 (.18) 4.75 (.20)
Vit 4.41 (.17) 4.42 (.18) 4.41 (.17) 4.35 (.16) 4.32 (.16) 4.33 (.16)
Insulin (μIU/mL) Con 15.31 (.96) 14.98 (.78) 14.88 (.70) 14.47 (.59) 14.29 (.48) 14.59 (.61)
Vit 14.69 (1.32) 14.33 (.66) 15.08 (.70) 14.04 (.63) 14.78 (.62) 14.29 (.57)
HOMA Con 3.24 (.28) 3.20 (.23) 3.14 (.22) 3.05 (.19) 2.97 (.16) 3.08 (.18)
Vit 2.85 (.23) 2.79 (.10) 2.92 (.03) 2.69 (.07) 2.82 (.09) 2.72 (.06)
Presup: pre supplementation; Postsup: post supplementation; Nm: Newton meter; mM: millimol; μIU/mL: micro international units/milliliter.
*Significant different vs. Presup, p < 0.05.