Table 4. Plasma concentration of lipids and lipoproteins. Data are means (±SEM).
Variable Group Presup Postsup Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9
TG (mm/L) Con .71 (.06) .72 (.06) .65 (.04) .64 (.05) .64 (.04) * .64 (.05) *
Vit .80 (.05) .79 (.04) .76 (.03) .78 (.03) .74 (.04) * .72 (.04) *
TC (mm/L) Con 4.73 (.27) 4.74 (.26) 4.70 (.30) 4.63 (.26) 4.50 (.26) * 4.48 (.28) *
Vit 4.55 (.28) 4.58 (.26) 4.56 (.27) 4.40 (.28) 4.36 (.24) * 4.26 (.27) *
HDL (mm/L) Con 1.23 (.11) 1.22 (.11) 1.36 (.13) 1.35 (.13) 1.35 (.11) 1.40 (.11) $
Vit 1.31 (.12) 1.33 (.11) 1.39 (.13) 1.37 (.12) 1.36 (.12) 1.42 (.12) $
LDL (mm/L) Con 3.36 (.29) 3.37 (.27) 3.21 (.30) 3.16 (.27) 3.02 (.27) # 2.95 (.29) #
Vit 3.09 (.23) 3.09 (.23) 3.02 (.21) 2.88 (.22) 2.85 (.21) # 2.70 (.23) #
TG: triglycerides; TC: total cholesterol; HDL: high density lipoprotein; LDL: low density lipoprotein; mm/L: millimol/liter; Presup: pre supplementation; Postsup: post supplementation.
*Significant different vs. Presup, p < 0.05.
# Significant different vs. Presup, p < 0.001.
$ Significant different vs. Presup, p < 0.005.