Table 1. Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and typical error (TE) statistics for relative peak power and relative work for the hang power clean, jump shrug, and hang high pull.
Exercise Load (% 1RM hang power clean) Relative Peak Power Relative Work
Hang power clean 30% .93 7.2% .85 17.3%
45% .98 6.1% .93 13.8%
65% .99 3.6% .91 17.7%
80% .94 6.7% .73 18.7%
Jump shrug 30% .99 2.1% .95 9.2%
45% .98 3.9% .98 7.3%
65% .95 11.0% .95 12.3%
80% .97 5.4% .82 19.4%
Hang high pull 30% .98 4.4% .90 10.9%
45% .99 3.4% .92 10.4%
65% .96 6.3% .71 19.1%
80% .96 6.8% .70 17.5%
1RM = one repetition maximum