Table 2. Descriptive power-time characteristics for the hang power clean, jump shrug, and hang high pull performed at 30, 45, 65, and 80% 1RM hang power clean. Data are means (±SD).
Exercise Load (% 1RM hang power clean) PPRel
(W · kg-1)
(J · kg-1)
Repetition Duration (ms) Propulsion
Duration (ms)
Hang power clean 30% 37.4 (7.1) 2.7 (.6) 660.5 (154.2) 205.1 (61.3)
45% 43.6 (7.7) 3.4 (.7) 682.5 (120.4) 217.5 (48.9)
65% 46.0 (7.1) 4.1 (1.0) 751.2 (111.4) 241.8 (44.0)
80% 45.1 (6.8) 4.7 (.9) 786.4 (112.1) 269.9 (52.9)
Jump shrug 30% 69.9 (6.7) 5.7 (.8) 678.2 (146.2) 213.7 (44.3)
45% 69.3 (7.3) 6.2 (1.0) 715.5 (157.4) 246.7 (73.9)
65% 60.4 (5.9) 5.4 (1.0) 769.0 (154.1) 257.1 (63.4)
80% 55.8 (5.7) 5.7 (1.2) 805.3 (153.8) 290.5 (75.1)
Hang high pull 30% 49.7 (4.1) 4.2 (.6) 682.3 (138.6) 221.8 (48.7)
45% 51.4 (5.0) 4.4 (.8) 701.0 (129.9) 230.5 (56.0)
65% 47.4 (5.2) 4.6 (.8) 752.8 (118.3) 255.7 (46.6)
80% 44.9 (5.5) 4.6 (1.0) 803.1 (147.1) 274.5 (54.2)
IRM = one repetition maximum; PPRel = relative peak power; WRel = relative positive work; Repetition Duration = entire movement time; Propulsion Duration = concentric movement time