Table 4. Median (IQR) of shot and movement characteristics of junior and professional tennis players at the 2012-2017 Australian Opens.
Activity Junior Boys Professional Men Junior Girls Professional Women
    Sample Size (matches) 12 21* 6 21*
    Sample Size (shots) 8,282 25,906 3,361 13,281
    Rally Length 4.8 (1-13) 5.0 (1-14) 4.4 (1-10) 4.6 (1-12)
Shot Productiona,b
    Serve 72 (49-103) 134 (91-168) 64 (48-81) 75 (51-114)
    Forehand 140 (84-227) 237 (138-367) 118 (84-147) 120 (74-173)
    Backhand 119 (61-185) 219 (122-344) 89 (57-112) 110 (56-206)
Shot Speeda,b (kph)
    Serve 158 (119-193) 179 (140-213) 146 (116-176) 153 (122-186)
    Forehand 113 (75-142) 119 (77-148) 110 (75-134) 111 (76-135)
    Backhand 105 (68-131) 108 (70-137) 103 (69-128) 106 (68-129)
Speed at Baselinea,b (kph)
    Forehand 56 (47-65) 60 (54-67) 48 (41-56) 54 (47-61)
    Backhand 40 (29-47) 45 (40-49) 34 (26-40) 34 (28-41)
Net Clearancea,b (m)
    Serve 129 (106-150) 142 (126-160) 109 (91-126) 123 (107-140)
    Forehand 90 (65-108) 104 (91-117) 76 (59-90) 78 (65-93)
    Backhand 68 (45-85) 72 (59-84) 59 (41-72) 46 (36-57)
First Serve Patternsa,b (%)
    Wide 37.8 45.7 36.2 36.3
    T 43.2 46.9 35.9 47.7
    Body 19.0 7.4 27.9 16.0
Second Serve Patternsa,b (%)
    Wide 21.9 32.0 21.0 23.8
    T 30.7 36.7 21.7 41.0
    Body 47.5 31.3 57.3 35.1
First Serve Patternsa,b (%)
    Wide 37.8 45.7 36.2 36.3
    T 43.2 46.9 35.9 47.7
    Body 19.0 7.4 27.9 16.0
    Serve Return Timeb (s) 0.54 (0.38-0.80) 0.55 (0.37-0.81) 0.52 (0.38-0.76) 0.48 (0.35-0.75)
    Serve Return Reaction Timea,b (s) 0.73 (0.56-0.95) 0.66 (0.52-0.87) 0.78 (0.63-0.97) 0.73 (0.58-0.92)
    Serve + 1 Stretchb (m) 4.99 (1.46-8.77) 5.10 (1.65-8.77) 4.92 (1.42-8.67) 5.25 (1.68-9.25)
Sideline Distancea,b (m)
    Forehand 1.94 (0.35-3.68) 1.77 (0.38-3.56) 1.93 (0.32-3.67) 1.89 (0.37-3.66)
    Backhand 2.27 (0.53-3.81) 2.09 (0.47-3.71) 2.30 (0.48-3.84) 2.14 (0.45-3.78)
Distance from Baselinea (m)
    Forehand 3.05 (0.54-5.19) 3.11 (0.59-5.17) 2.98 (0.55-5.15) 3.03 (0.57-5.18)
    Backhand 3.11 (0.58-5.17) 3.00 (0.59-5.17) 3.06 (0.46-5.19) 3.04 (0.57-5.30)
    Inside Out Forehanda (%) 9 10 8 8
    Down the line Backhanda,b (%) 9 11 9 11
    Distance travelled per pointa,b (m) 6.9 (0.3-19.9) 7.4 (0.3-24.2) 6.3 (0.2-18.4) 5.9 (0.2-19.6)
    Distance travelled per matcha,b (m) 993 (562-1,610) 1,990 (1,243-2,916) 798 (549-1,012) 881 (556-1,504)
    Peak foot speeda,b (kph) 12.0 (5.1-21.6) 10.5 (4.7-18.2) 11.9 (4.9-21.1) 9.1 (3.7-16.3)
    Changes of direction per pointa,b 6.0 (0-18) 5.0 (0-22) 6.0 (0-18) 4.5 (0-18)
    Work per pointa,b 2,236 (36-7,335) 1,761 (27-6,257) 1,690 (30-5,462) 917 (17-3,342)
    Work per matcha,b (per 1000 units) 320 (168-641) 475 (290-695) 216 (166-278) 138 (85-248)
a Indicates a difference between junior boys and professional men at the 5% level or less
* Professional matches were matched on the round of junior matches
b Indicates a difference between junior girls and professional women at the 5% level or less