Table 1. Means and standard deviations and results for independent t-tests comparing uninjured and injured CrossFit participants with regard to potential risk factors (unadjusted).
Variable Injury status
Total (n = 191) Uninjured (n=141) Injured (n=50) p-value
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Years of participation in CrossFit 2.04 1.65 1.80 1.52 2.71 1.82 0.001
Weekly athlete training hours 5.49 4.48 4.85 2.94 7.30 6.98 0.020
Weekly athlete training days 4.39 1.31 4.29 1.26 4.68 1.42 0.069
Weekly athlete-exposures 5.12 2.78 4.65 2.14 6.41 3.80 0.003
CrossFit class size 9.24 4.76 9.40 4.73 8.79 4.89 0.438
Number of coaches per CrossFit class 1.48 0.64 1.48 0.63 1.48 0.67 0.946
Years of physical activity 17.74 29.64 16.25 28.46 21.94 32.69 0.114
Age 31.69 9.40 31.78 9.78 31.42 8.34 0.817
Height (m) 1.68 0.10 1.68 0.10 1.72 0.09 0.011
Body mass (kg) 74.32 15.49 72.91 14.77 78.24 16.86 0.037