Table 3. Mean maximum trunk angle in degrees. Data are means (±SD).
Max Angle NC IC
Beginning End Mean Difference Beginning End Mean Difference η2
Flexion 149.2 (6.6) 141.0 (8.2) 8.2 147.8 (7.9) 143.2 (6.7) 4.6 .815*
Extension 151.5 (6.3) 146.7 (7.6) 4.8 149.7 (8.3) 147.4 (6.7) 2.3 .576*
Lateral Flexion Right 6.2 (1.7) 7.2 (1.8) -1.0 6.4 (2.7) 8.1 (2.7) -1.7 .771*
Lateral Flexion Left 3.4 (1.4) 5.0 (1.7) -1.6 2.9 (2.8) 5.0 (3.6) -2.1 .676*#
Rotation Right 1.8 (2.1) 3.5 (2.5) -1.7 2.3 (2.1) 3.3 (2.1) -1.0 .598*
Rotation Left 0.9 (2.0) 2.4 (1.5) -1.5 0.2 (1.8) 1.6 (2.5) -1.4 .551*
* significant main effect (time) between beginning and end
# significant interaction (condition*time), η2 is presented for the main effect of time