Table 3. Lumbar, shoulder, and neck isometric test results. Data are means (SEM).
CE (n = 10) SE (n = 10)
60° Isometric Lumbar Flexion PT (Nm) BE 170(14) 161(11)
AE 173(11) 194(12)**
60° Isometric Lumbar Extension PT (Nm) BE 286(19) 316(25)
AE 351(21)** 416(25)**
30° Isometric Right Shoulder Abduction PT (Nm) BE 52.9 (3.8) 58.3 (3.7)
AE 52.9 (2.1) 71.5 (3.7)**Ë’† † 
30° Isometric Left Shoulder Abduction PT (Nm) BE 50.4 (3.1) 55.3 (3.4)
AE 50.8 (2.1) 68.5 (3.1)**Ë’† † † 
Isometric Neck Flexion (kg) BE 14.4 (1.0) 14.7 (.9)
AE 15.6 (1.1) 19.4 (.6)**Ë’† † 
Isometric Neck Extension (kg) BE 19.5 (.9) 19.6 (.7)
AE 20.3 (.9) 24.7 (.5)**Ë’† † 
† †  p < 0.01
SEM: Standard error means; SE: Supported exercise group; CE: Conventiona exercise group; BE: Before exercise; AE: After exercise; PT: Peak torque
** p < 0.01: statistical significance level within groups before and after exercise
† † †  p < 0.001: statistical significance level between groups.