Table 4. Normalized EMG amplitude values from the rectus femoris and vastus lateralis muscles before and after stretching of the contrary hamstring muscle in the three groups during the isokinetic leg extension and flexion movements in concentric and eccentric modes [mean ± SEM (95% CI)].
Static Dynamic Control P value
(group x time)
Before After Before After Before After
ConRF60 (%MVC) 76 ± 4
76 ± 4
81 ± 4
84 ± 6
88 ± 5
83 ± 4
ConVL60 (%MVC) 76 ± 4
77 ± 4
77 ± 4
77 ± 4
83 ± 5
79 ± 4
ConRF240 (%MVC) 67 ± 3
68 ± 4
68 ± 4
66 ± 4
74 ± 5
73 ± 5
ConVL240 (%MVC) 72 ± 4
69 ± 5
77 ± 5
73 ± 5
76 ± 6
71 ± 5
EccRF60 (%MVC) 60 ± 3
58 ± 3
58 ± 5
61 ± 4
62 ± 3
65 ± 4
EccVL60 (%MVC) 61 ± 5
60 ± 4
61 ± 4
65 ± 4
66 ± 6
65 ± 5
EccRF240 (%MVC) 55 ± 4
52 ± 3
53 ± 4
54 ± 4
54 ± 4
55 ± 4
EccVL240 (%MVC) 53 ± 6
52 ± 5
55 ± 4
53 ± 5
52 ± 6
55 ± 7
Con: Concentric; Ecc: Eccentric; RF: Rectus femoris; VL: Vastus lateralis; MVC: Maximal voluntary contraction.