Table 3. Cycle and pole characteristics of and external power output by faster (FS, n = 40) and slower (SS, n = 42) male (M, n= 41) and female (F, n =41) skiers during a classical XC race with respect to sex and level of performance.
Parameter Sex Level of performance ANOVA
F M FS SS Sex Level of performance Sex x Level of performance
Cycle velocity (m/s) 3.91 (.02) 4.63 (.02) 4.49 (.02) 4.07 (.02) P<0.001 P<0.001 P=0.024
Cycle rate (Hz) 1.02 (.01) .98 (.01) 1.01 (.01) .99 (.01) P<0.001 P=0.015 NS
Cycle length (m) 3.83 (.04) 4.72 (.04) 4.45 (.04) 4.11 (.04) P<0.001 P<0.001 P=0.066
Absolute poling time (s) .42 (.00) .40 (.00) .40 (.00) .42 (.00) P=0.007 P<0.001 NS
Absolute pole swing time (s) .58 (.01) .64 (.01) .61 (.01) .61 (.01) P<0.001 NS NS
Relative pole swing time (%) 57.6 (.3) 60.9 (.3) 60.0 (.3) 58.5 (.3) P<0.001 P=0.001 NS
External power output (W) 248(4) 375(4) 333(4) 291(5) P<0.001 P<0.001 P=0.003
All values presented are means (± SE) of the pooled values for all four sections (i.e., inclines for -0.3°, 3.5°, 7.1°, 11°). NS = not significant.