Table 2. The changes in oxy-Hb, deoxy-Hb, and total-Hb from the rest before a standardized warm-up, and SmO2 at pre and 0-40 min. Data are means (±SD).
Control 7 min RW 3 min RW
∆oxy-Hb (µmol/L) pre - - -
0-40 min -2.5 (3.7) -0.6 (6.8) 0.1 (3.5)
∆deoxy-Hb (µmol/L) pre - - -
0-40 min 7.0 (3.7) 7.1 (3.8) 7.8 (3.5)
∆total-Hb (µmol/L) pre - - -
0-40 min 4.4 (3.8) 5.8 (6.3) 7.9 (2.8)
SmO2 (%) pre 67.6 (4.5) 66.5 (4.4) 66.4 (4.8)
0-40 min 60.3 (5.5) 59.7 (5.0) 59.6 (6.4)
Control: 15 min of seated rest trial, 7 min RW: 7 min of the cycling at 70% of HRmax trial, 3 min RW: 3 min of the cycling at 70% of HRmax trial. (n=13).