Table 3. Effect of creatine supplementation on the injured leg’s lean mass (SLM, kg) during immobilization and rehabilitation. Values are mean (± SD).
Conditions Immobilization Rehabilotation weeks
Baseline R2 P value R4 R6 P value
CR group 7.76 (.92) 7.33 (.89) .001 7.47 (.90) 7.74 (.91) .001
PL group 7.29 (.59) 6.64 (.53) * .001 6.75 (.55) * 6.89 (.57) * .001
* Indicates a significant difference between the CR and PL group (p < 0.05).
The injured leg’s segmental lean mass (SLM; kg); prior to the immobilization (Baseline) and after acute (R2); recovery (R4) and the maintenance (R6) phase of the rehabilitation of the creatine (CR) and placebo (PL) groups. The P values refer to the treatment effect during relative immobilization and active rehabilitation