Table 2. Near infrared spectroscopy outcomes before and after SIH and RSH training
SIH RSH ANOVA, p-value (partial η²)
n pre post Δ n pre post Δ time effect training interaction effect group x training
NIRS (cycling)
Tissue oxygenation index [%]
Wingate (deoxygenation) 5 -18.8±9.7 -20.3±11.3 -1.5±5.9 4 -20.9±10.7 -22.2±13.6 -1.3±3.4 .429 (.092) .943 (.001)
Wingate (re-oxygenation) 5 16.0±6.9 18.5±8.7 2.5±4.9 4 18.0±11.1 19.7±12.8 1.7±2.5 .174 (.246) .770 (.013)
RS (deoxygenation) 5 -17.2±4.4 -18.0±4.8 -.7±2.3 5 -15.4±6.4 -25.3±11.1 -9.9±5.8 .005 (.642) .012 (.570)
RS (re-oxygenation) 5 17.4±5.0 20.0±3.6 2.6±3.4 4 17.8±6.0 29.5±7.6 11.7±1.8 <.001 (.889) .002 (.764)
RS (re-oxygenation during sprints) 5 15.9±3.4 16.2±3.3 .3±2.3 5 12.9±8.0 19.7±7.8 6.8±5.9 .037 (.438) .053 (.391)
Normalised total haemoglobin index (au)
Wingate (increase) 5 .037±.065 .051±.087 .014±.08 5 .049±.117 .059±.111 .011±.067 .634 (.034) .950 (.001)
RS (increase) 5 .047±.024 .086±.130 .039±.134 5 .034±.077 .112±.073 .079±.074 .126 (.268) .579 (.040)
NIRS, near infrared spectroscopy; RS, repeated cycling sprint