Table 2. Gas exchange and breathing pattern parameters at rest and maximal exercise in cyclist subjects. Value are reported as mean (±SD).
Rest Maximal exercise
VO2 ( 6.2 (.9) 56.7 (8.6)
VCO2 (ml.min-1) 372(87) 4839(483)
VE (l.min-1) 12.7 (2.6) 151.2 (19.0)
VT (ml) 1004(117) 3290(220)
P0.1 (cmH2O) 1.3 (.2) 27.8 (7.0)
TI/TTOT .41 (.02) .47 (.04)
VT/TI (l.s-1) .4 (.1) 5.39 (1.0)
f (bpm) 12(3) 48(10)
VO2 = oxygen uptake; VCO2 = carbon dioxide output; VE = minute ventilation; VT = tidal volume; P0.1 = occlusion pressure; TI/TTOT = mean inspiratory time to total time of the respiratory cycle; VT/TI = mean inspiratory flow and f = respiratory frequency.