Table 4. Impacts to the head greater than 10g in youth Australian Football players by magnitude groups and impact location for head impact telemetry severity profile and risk weighted exposure combined (linear and rotational) probability for number of impacts recorded, impact duration and impact magnitude. Data are presented as mean (± standard deviation) and median [25th to 75th interquartile range].
Players not reporting a notable head impact Players reporting a notable head impact
Duration (ms)
Head Impact Telemetry
severity profile (HITSP)
Risk Weighted Exposure
combined probability (RWECP)
Duration (ms)
Head Impact Telemetry
severity profile (HITSP)
Risk Weighted Exposure
combined probability (RWECP)
n (%) Mean ±SD Median [IQR] 95th Median [IQR] 95th n (%) Mean ±SD Median [IQR] 95th Median [IQR] 95th
PLA(g) 10.0-19.9 302 (66.7) 13.6 ±2.3b 13.2 [11.7-15.2] 18.1 .005 [.0002-.0013] .006 21 (80.8) 9.2 ±6.9a 13.1 [10.9-14.9] 20.5 .0012 [.0005-.0026] .102
20.0-29.9 76 (16.8) 13.0 ±6.3 21.7 [19.7-24.5] 28.3 .0108 [.0032-.0374] .615 4 (15.4) 14.8 ±4.1 22.5 [17.9-25.6] - .0067 [.0007-.1726] -
30.0-39.9 42 (9.3) 17.0 ±6.9 30.8 [26.7-36.3] 43.8 .0413 [.0064-.1995] .965 0 - - - - -
40+ 33 (7.3) 17.3 ±8.6 51.4 [42.0-72.1] 133.7 .6795[.1346-.9058] .997 1 (3.8) 10- 76.3 0
<143,182 175 (38.6) 12.7 ±2.5 11.9 [11.2-13.4] 16.3 .0002 [.002-.0004] .0006 7 (26.9) 8.3 ±6.6 11.7 [10.0-17.1] - .0003 [.0002-.0006] -
143,239-429,661 225 (49.7) 10.7 ±6.2 17.3 [14.4-22.0] 34.7 .0030[.0012-.0107] .0456 17 (65.4) 9.2 ±7.6 14.1 [12.0-15.8] 64.6 .0015 [.0008-.0053] .019
429,718-716,140 40 (8.8) 16.8 ±8.3 38.7 [27.1-51.8] 98.6 .3461 [.2043-.7210] .918 2 (7.7) 12.5 ±.7 23.3 - .1687 -
716,197+ 13 (2.9) 17.0 ±8.9 44.9 [33.0-60.2] - .9814 [.9250-.9967] - 0 - - - - -
HITSP <21 333 (73.5) 7.8 ±6.5 13.5 [11.9-15.9]b 19.4 .0006 [.0002-.0018] .011 23 (88.5) 9.4 ±6.9 13.2 [11.0-15.4]a 20.6 .0009 [.0006-.0022] .093
21-43 92 (20.3) 15.0 ±6.6 27.0 [23.1-31.4] 39.8 .0254 [.0080-.1232] .922 2 (7.7) 16.0 ±5.7 25.4 - .1193 -
43-63 19 (4.2) 20.7 ±8.3 51.1 [46.0-54.4] 63.3 .7890 [.2232-.9210] .990 0 - - - - -
>63 9 (2.0) 20.4 ±9.4 93.0 [76.1-111.5] - .7890 [.6795-.9318] - 1 (3.8) 10- 76.3 - .0192 -
RWECP .<2499 414 (91.4) 9.3 ±7.2b 14.4 [12.3-18.8] 31.5 .0009 [.0003-.0045] .048 26(100) 9.3 ±7.0a 13.8 [11.5-17.5] 58.7 .0013 [.0006-.0053
.2500-.4999 12 (2.6) 17.5 ±8.4 35.2 [27.5-43.8 - .3461 [.3065-.3908] - - - - - - -
.5000-.7499 7 (1.5) 19.8 ±8.3 37.8 [31.1-84.7] - .6287 [.5690-.7117] - - - - - - -
.7500+ 21 (4.6) 17.7 ±9.1 52.0 [37.6-69.2] 152.7 .9210 [.8408-.9904] .999 - - - - - -
SD = Standard Deviation; ms = milliseconds; IQR = interquartile [25th-75th] percentile; 95th = 95th percentile; Significant difference (p<0.05) than (a) = Injured; (b) = Non-Injured