† Significant fatigue × protocol interaction effects, with p < 0.05. R-FP = fatigue protocol with constant speed running; SJ-FP = fatigue protocol with shuttle sprint plus vertical jump; pre = pre-fatigue; post = post-fatigue; MH1, MH2 = two typical peaks in the hip joint moment – time curve; t_MH1, t_MH2 = the absolute time of contact to MH1 and MH2; MK1, MK2, and MK3 = three typical peaks in the knee joint moment – time curve; t_MK1, t_MK2, t_MK3 = the absolute time of contact to MK1, MK2, and MK3; MA1,MA2 = two typical peaks in the ankle joint moment – time curve; t_MA1, t_MA2 = the absolute time of contact to MA1 and MA2. |