Table 2. Conditions for measuring shoulder joint muscle strength using a hand held dynamometer.
MVIC task Posture Limb posture Dynamometer position
Flexion Seated 0° shoulder flexion, 0° abduction,
elbow slightly bent, forearm in neutral
Distal lateral humerus supracondylar crest
Extension Seated 0eatedulder flexion, 0t abduction,
0° elbow flexion, forearm in neutral
Above the olecranon
Abduction Seated 90atedoulder abduction, elbow slightly bent,
forearm in pronation
Distal lateral humerus supracondylar crest
Adduction Seated 0eatedulder flexion, 0t abduction,
0° elbow flexion, forearm in pronation
Distal medial humerus supracondylar crest
Horizontal abduction Prone 90° shoulder abduction, elbow slightly bent,
forearm in pronation
Above the olecranon
Horizontal adduction Supine 90° shoulder abduction, elbow slightly bent,
forearm in pronation
Distal lateral humerus
Internal rotation Seated 45° shoulder flexion, 135° elbow flexion Styloid process of the ulna
External rotation Seated 45° shoulder flexion, 135° elbow flexion Styloid process of the ulna
Protraction Seated 90° shoulder flexion, elbow full extension 2nd~3rd proximal interphalanges
MVIC: maximal voluntary isometric contraction.