Age, biological maturation |
chronological age (years) relative age (month) age at peak height velocity (years) |
Mirwald et al., 2002 |
rtt = .96 |
Anthropometry |
height (cm) weight (kg) |
rtt = .99 rtt = .99 |
Coach assessment |
in-game performance (points) |
Zuber and Conzelmann, 2014 |
W = .89 |
General motor performance |
YoYo (m) counter-movement-jump (cm) 40 m-sprint (sec) agility test (sec) |
Bangsbo et al., 2008 Casartelli et al., 2010 Zuber et al., 2016 Höner et al., 2015 |
rtt = .93 ICC = .96 rtt = .96 rtt = .83 |
Technical skills |
dribbling (sec) passing (sec) juggling (points) |
Höner et al., 2015 Zuber et al., 2016 Höner et al., 2015; Zuber et al., 2016 |
rtt = .56 rtt = .68 rtt = .79 |
Psychological characteristics |
achievement motive (net-hope) achievement goal orientations (score) self-determination (index) |
Wenhold et al., 2009 Elbe, 2004 Pelletier et al., 1995; Demetriou, 2012 |
α = .76/.73 α = .80/.72/.81 α = .86 |
Familial support |
importance of football within family (score) parents’ priority of sport vs. school (score) financial investment (Swiss Francs / year) time investment (h / week) |
rtt = .63 rtt = .52 rtt = .78 rtt = .59 |
Training history |
practice and play up to 12 years of age (h) |
Hopwood, 2015 |
.59 ≤ rtt ≤ .97 |