Table 1. Participant characteristics.
Cohort Descriptors Players (n=10) CSS* (n=11) Total
Demographics Male/Female 8/2 10/1 18/3
Mean Age 27 + 3.6 37 + 11 n/a
Team Experience (seasons) ± SD 3-14 (mean 8 ± 3) 1-13 (mean 4.5 ± 3.5) n/a
System Experience (seasons) ± SD 1-3 (mean 1.9 ± 0.7) 1-4 (mean 1.9 ± 1.3) n/a
Sport (Gaelic Games) Football 6 7 13
Hurling 2 2 4
Ladies Football 1 1 2
Camogie 1 1 2
Team League Division One 5 6 11
Two 1 2 3
Three 2 1 3
Four 2 2 4
Coach and Support Staff Roles Strength & Conditioning Coach n/a 4 4
Sports Scientist n/a 2 2
Physiotherapist n/a 2 2
Team Manager (Head Coach) n/a 2 2
Nutritionist n/a 1 1
*CSS = Coaches and Support Staff