Table 3. Exercise training program and exercise intensity for 21 days of intervention.
Time Exercise training program Exercise intensity
Daybreak 20 minutes of warm-up 45–50% HRmax
60 minutes of jogging 70–80% HRmax
20 minutes of cool-down 45–50% HRmax
Morning 20 minutes of warm-up 45–50% HRmax
Six bouts of high-speed running over a distance of 150 m 90–95% HRmax
Four bouts of interval running over a distance of 1,200 m 85–95% HRmax
20 minutes of cool-down 45–50% HRmax
Afternoon 20 minutes of warm-up 45–50% HRmax
Five bouts of high-speed running over a distance of 300 m 90–95% HRmax
3,000 m or 5,000 m time trial -
20 minutes of cool-down 45–50% HRmax
HRmax, maximal heart rate