Table 2. Kinematic variables (n = 30) of sagittal plane for joint angle and one-way ANOVA significant.
Healthy Coper CAI p Post hoc
Landing (deg) Hip 27.3 (4.9) 32.9 (3.6 34.7 (6.3 .017* H < I
Knee 15.1 (3.2 16.6 (3.5 15.3 (5.3 .689
Ankle -24.0 (4.4 -22.0 (4.9 -23.1 (3.6 .612
Max squat (deg) Hip 33.4 (2.5 39.3 (2.6 43.6 (8.2 .004* H < I
Knee 54.1 (7.2 51.8 (4.3 52.3 (7.9 .741
Ankle 14.4 (4.0 14.9 (3.3 13.8 (4.6 .843
Range of motion (deg) Hip 6.4 (1.6 8.8 (3.4 9.4 (2.0 .042* H < I
Knee 38.8 (4.2 35.2 (2.9 37.0 (6.0 .274
Ankle 38.5 (5.9 36.9 (4.3 36.9 (4.4 .747
Positive value: ankle dorsiflexion; Negative value: ankle plantar flexion;
*indicates statistical significance p < .05; range of motion was defined from initial contact to the maximum knee flexion angle; H = Uninjured control group; C = Copers group; I = CAI group.