Table 1. Mean (±SD) net joint moments [N·m·kg-1] during the CMJ, and during the HPC and JS at 30, 50, and 70% of 1-RM HPC.
Hip Knee Ankle
CMJ 2.31 (0.58) 0.36 (0.20) 1.58 (0.24)
HPC 30 2.74 (0.66) 0.75 (0.57) 1.88 (0.59)
50 3.28 (0.94)* 0.90 (0.53)* 2.19 (0.53)*
70 3.68 (0.71)* 0.83 (0.53)* 2.47 (0.37)*
JS 30 2.66 (0.88) 1.47 (0.63)* 2.60 (0.44)*
50 3.14 (0.87)* 1.50 (0.66)* 2.71 (0.41)*
70 3.32 (0.89)* 1.42 (0.65)* 2.76 (0.33)*
* < 0.05. CMJ = counter-movement jump, HPC = hang-power clean, JS = jump shrug.