Table 1. Correlations between general strength test variables (Nm) and pole force variables (N).
Variables PPF MPF
left right left right
Trunk flexion Mmax, ISO 0.531 0.668*
Mmax, CON 0.502 0.642*
MRMS 0.567* 0.744**
Trunk extension Mmax, ISO 0.479 0.615*
Mmax, CON 0.569* 0.721**
MRMS 0.613* 0.737**
Shoulder extension Mmax, ISO 0.547 0.579* 0.663* 0.833***
Mmax, CON 0.524 0.435 0.626* 0.748**
MRMS 0.479 0.460 0.542 0.757**
Elbow extension Mmax, ISO 0.701** 0.351 0.767** 0.646*
Mmax, CON 0.651* 0.554 0.746** 0.722**
MRMS 0.586* 0.501 0.674* 0.722**
PPF, peak pole force; MPF, mean pole force; Mmax, ISO, maximum isometric torque; Mmax, CON, concentric torque at 0° (trunk), 45° (shoulder) and 90° (elbow) joint flexion; MRMS, mean concentric torque.
***p < .001.
**p < .010;
*p < .050;
Left pole forces were correlated to left shoulder/elbow strength and right pole forces were correlated to right shoulder/elbow strength.