Table 2. Correlations between strength test variables (Nm/kg), pole force (Nm/kg) and maximal velocity (km/h).
Variables Vmax
Trunk flexion Mmax, ISO 0.630*
Mmax, CON 0.753**
MRMS 0.619*
Trunk extension Mmax, ISO 0.615*
Mmax, CON 0.706**
MRMS 0.655*
Shoulder extension Mmax, ISO 0.725**
Mmax, CON 0.623*
MRMS 0.572*
Elbow extension Mmax, ISO 0.688**
Mmax, CON 0.729**
MRMS 0.722**
Pole force PPF 0.726**
MPF 0.758**
Left and right torque values/pole forces were summarized.
* p < 0.050;
**p < 0.010.
Mmax, ISO, maximum isometric torque; Mmax, CON, concentric torque at 0° (trunk), 45° (shoulder) and 90° (elbow) joint flexion; MRMS, mean concentric torque; PPF, peak pole force; MPF, mean pole force; Vmax, maximal velocity.