Table 3. ICCs, ralerting-CV and rcontrast-CV to define construct validity patterns of observed and predicted correlations between coach-ratings of AMBIS-I and the self-report questionnaires at t1 (n = 193).
Scales Proactivity Ambition Commitment Total Score
robserved rpredicted robserved rpredicted robserved rpredicted robserved
SOQ CO .33* .18 .21* .38 .24* .28 .34*
SOQ WO .22* .12 .13 .44 .12 .16 .21*
SOQ GO .25* .34 .15* .32 .13 .30 .23*
SMS SDI .22* .38 .02 .08 .12 .26 .15*
VQS SO .25* .36 .11 .14 .14 .24 .22*
VQS SI -.02 -.10 .12 .10 -.07 -.12 .03
VQS LI -.14 -.38 -.06 -.18 -.12 -.34 -.13
VQS LF -.22* -.16 -.15* -.20 -.16* -.26 -.23*
ICCRatersa .96* .97* .94*
ICCobs-predb .85* .70* .82*
ralerting-CV .87* .90* .95*
rconstrast-CV .45* .29* .35*
*p < 0.05 (two-sided); CO = competitiveness; WO = win orientation; GO = goal orientation; SDI = self-determination index; SO = self-optimization; SI = self-impediment; LI = lack of initiation; LF = loss of focus.
a mean of 5 raters;
b between the observed and the predicted correlations