Table 4. Pre- and posttest comparisons of the stroke effect of topspin and backspin for EG.
Variables Topspin Backspin
Pretest Posttest Δ% p-value Pretest Posttest Δ% p-value
Large area 13.30±4.50 19.00±2.06 42.86% 0.008** 10.90±3.46 18.90±2.13 73.39% 0.007**
Small area 0.60±0.97 4.20±0.79 600.00% 0.005** 0.40±0.69 4.10±1.37 925% 0.005**
Out 15.50±3.86 11.10±2.72 -28.39% 0.033* 15.40±3.42 10.60±4.17 -31.17% 0.011*
Net 1.90±1.08 2.10±0.96 10.53% 0.798 2.30±1.45 2.00±1.03 -13.04% 1.000
Miss 0.60±0.70 0.40±0.69 -33.33% 0.527 1.40±1.26 0.30±0.18 -78.57% 0.040*
Racket-edge stroke 0.70±0.48 0.40±1.26 -42.86% 0.206 1.40±1.64 0.10±0.12 -92.86% 0.043*
Ball speed 26.27±3.12 27.33±2.54 4.04% 0.005** 24.50±1.52 26.40±1.18 7.76% 0.005**
EG = Experimental group
* p< 0.05
** p< 0.01.