Table 2. Structural parameters immediately (0 min) and 5 min after 3 min of stretching (MS = muscle stiffness; PTS = passive tendon stiffness; ATS = active tendon stiffness.
Rest Interval MS (N/mm)§ PTS (N/mm) ATS (N/mm)
0 min pre 14.33 ± 9.82 20.89 ± 18.61 45.96 ± 17.34
post 10.63 ± 7.49* 18.34 ± 18.04 44.59 ± 19.75
5 min pre 16.61 ± 17.92 18.13 ± 18.04 44.26 ± 16.23
post 10.80 ± 13.31* 18.81 ± 24.66 45.21 ± 24.05
Mean ± SD.
§ = overall significant effect (Friedman test),
* = significant difference between the pre- and post-measurements within the condition (0 min/5 min).