Table 1. Exercises of the computerized cognitive training intervention
Task Description Skill
Stroop task Color words (blue, red, yellow, green) shown in incongruent fonts (e.g. word yellow in red). Press correct pre-specified button for word (yellow) but not the color (red). 40 stimuli are presented. Inhibitory control
Choice-Reaction task Right/left arrows displayed for 500 ms. As fast as possible press “B” if left and “N” if right. 50 Stimuli are presented. Attention, reaction time, processing speed
Fitt’s Law A small yellow rectangle on the upper left corner of a black screen is shown. After clicking on it, a red rectangle with varying size appears somewhere on the screen and needs to be hit with the cursor as fast as possible. 20 stimuli are presented. Awareness, hand-eye-coordination, visual search
Erikson Flanker task Fiver letters (X,C,V,B) are presented on the screen, the first and last two are always identical. If the letter in the middle is an X or C, press A, if it is a V or B, press L. 50 stimuli are presented. Attention, reaction time, inhibitory control.
Go/No-go task Oval filled green or red is shown. If green, press “space” (go sign) as fast as possible, if red (shown only rarely), do not press anything (no-go sign). 25 stimuli are presented. Inhibitory control
Corsi Block task Nine squares are displayed and some of them light up in a random order. Click squares in correct order. 16 stimuli are presented. Memory
Mackworth Clock task A clock with an arrow is shown. The arrow moves at a slow and constant speed. Hit “space” if the arrow moves faster than normal as fast as possible. 50 stimuli are presented. Attention, reaction time
Visual Search task In a square, several “T”s are presented. They can have to forms (normal and upside down) and two colors (orange and blue). Hit “space” as fast as possible if a normal orange T appears. Position and number of correct and wrong T’s change constantly. 50 stimuli are presented. Attention, visual search, reaction time, cognitive flexibility
Simon task The words left or right are shown either right or left to a central fixation cross. If left, press A, if right, press L. Due to the different positions of the word, congruent (left shown on left side) and incongruent (left shown on right side) conditions occur. 50 stimuli are presented. Reaction time, inhibitory control, cognitive flexibility
Cueing /Posner task The screen shows a central fixation cross as well as small square boxes on the left and right side. One of the boxes randomly shows “go”. If signal appears left, press A, if right, press L. Visual search, attention, choice-reaction, processing speed