Table 4. Length dimensions and body composition of the athletes (mean±SD)
Soccer Handball Basketball
Body height (cm) 175.8±7.6 182.8±7.1†  184.5±11.7† 
Trunk length (cm) 92.4±4.3 94.6±3.5†  94.7±6.3† 
Upper extremity length (cm) 75.7±3.9 79.8±3.5†  80.7±5.7† 
Lower extremity length (cm) 98.6±4.9 104.0±5.1†  105.7±7.3† 
L/Ht 0.561±0.013 0.569±0.011†  0.573±0.012† 
Mean BF (kg) 8.2±2.4 11.4±6.3†  9.2±3.9† 
Mean PBF (%) 12.5±2.7 14.6±5.5†  13.0±3.9
Mean LBM (kg) 53.9±7.5 60.3±7.6†  58.2±12.4† 
L/Ht: lower extremity length/body height. BF: body fat, PBF: percent body fat, LBM: lean body mass.
†  Significant difference from soccer players, p < 0.05.
‡ Significant difference from basketball players, p < 0.05.