Table 1. Workshop topics (selected dimensions from i7W concept) and examples of the tools and activities introduced during the workshop.
Workshop; topics Tools and activities
First workshop; inspire, explain “Pump them up” – Prepare positive coach speech before your athletes' competition.
“Strengthening analysis” – Conduct a post-match analysis with the athletes, focusing on the positive aspects of the game.
Second workshop; expect, support “Show your hand”– At the end of each week analyze simple goals that youth athletes formulated at the beginning of the week. Stimulate and help them to find answers to the following questions: How did I reach my goal? If not, what should I do differently in the future?
“Positive bakes” – During training divide children into pairs. Each child from the pair is tasked throughout the training to provide verbal and non-verbal support to the teammate; e.g., giving high-five after a good performance, or a good word when teammate made a mistake. At the end of the training. ask the pair whether they felt the support of the teammate.
Third workshop; reward, appreciate “Good mistake” – Praise athletes despite them making mistakes. Show other youth athletes that creativity and courage is more important than making a single mistake. Highlight the fact that the biggest mistake one can make is not looking for the solution.
“Master T-shirt”– Introduce a special T-shirt for player who has shown the greatest commitment during training sessions.