Table 1. Means (M), standard deviations (SD), MacDonald’s omegas, and correlations (with gender and age controlled for).
Variable M (SD) ω 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Perfectionistic strivings 18.43 (3.31) .71 -
2. Perfectionistic concerns 13.73 (4.95) .83 .11 -
3. Energetic Arousal 30.61 (3.20) .74 .23* -.22* -
4. Tense Arousal 9.97 (2.12) .70 -.10 .33** -.62** -
5. Hedonic Tone 29.42 (3.20) .88 .02 -.30** .56** -.56** -
6. Personal best performance 3129.56 (445.05) - .24* .17* -.11 -.03 -.14 -
7. Anticipated performance 3193.25 (445.91) - .32** .14 -.13 .05 -.11 .83** -
8. Performance in the race 3147.76 (418.55) - 32** .12 -.10 -.02 -.02 .81** .90** -
9. Conversion Rate (CR) 101.50 (5.42) - -.05 -.04 .10 -.09 .22* -.19* -.39** .04
All result-related variables (6, 7, and 8) were converted to seconds and reversed so that higher values are indicative of better performance (i.e., anticipated result equal to 3193 seconds after being reversed is equal to -3193 seconds and reads as “anticipated performance”). Absolute values of means are shown for result-related variables. Conversion rate (CR) was calculated by dividing the anticipated time by the final result and multiplying the outcome by 100.
** p < 0.001,
* p < 0.05