Table 2. Hierarchical linear regression models predicting the affective states after the 10-kilometer race.
Dependent variable Energetic Arousal Tense Arousal Hedonic Tone
Model Predictors B (SE B) β p F (R2) B (SE B) β p F (R2) B (SE B) β p F (R2)
I Gender -.16 (.55) -.03 .767 4.18 (.148) -.10 (.37) -.02 .791 4.13 (.146) -.46 (.55) -.07 .401 4.50 (.157)
Age -.03 (.03) -.10 .212 .01 (.02) .05 .506 -.04 (.03) -.12 .144
Personal best -.00 (.00) -.14 .118 -.00 (.00) -.02 .858 -.00 (.00) -.08 .378
CR .05 (.05) .08 .319 -.04 (.03) -.09 .257 .12 (.05) .21 .011
PS .28 (.08) .29 <0.001 -.09 (.05) -.14 .078 .07 (.08) .07 .356
PC -.15 (.05) -.23 .004 .15 (.03) .35 <0.001 -.19 (.05) -.29 <0.001
II Gender -.21 (.55) -.03 .697 3.85 (.196) -.09 (.37) -.02 .808 3.41 (.178) -.47 (.55) -.07 .395 3.28 (.172)
Age -.03 (.03) -.09 .278 .01 (.02) .06 .492 -.04 (.03) -.11 .163
Personal best -.00 (.00) -.14 .123 -.00 (.00) -.01 .931 -.00 (.00) -.08 .362
CR .08 (.05) .13 .124 -.05 (.03 -.12 .161 .13 (.05) .23 .007
PS .23 (.08) .23 .004 -.07 (.05) -.11 .177 .04 (.08) .05 .586
PC -.13 (.05) -.20 .012 .15 (.03) .34 <0.001 -.18 (.05) -.28 <0.001
CR x PS .03 (.01) .19 .019a -.02 (.01) -.18 .028 .02 (.01) .12 .147
CR x PC -.02 (.01) -.14 .092b .00 (.01) -.00 .960 -.00 (.01) -.03 .732
PS x PC -.03 (.02) -.12 .131 .01 (.01) .04 .596 -.01 (.02) -.06 .458
III Gender -.27 (.54) -.04 .622 3.79 (.212) -.04 (.36) -.01 .921 3.75 (.210) -.49 (.56) -.08 .385 2.94 (.173)
Age -.04 (.03) -.11 .179 .02 (.02) .09 .285 -.04 (.03) -.12 .152
Personal best -.00 (.00) -.12 .177 .00 (.00) -.03 .714 -.00 (.00) -.08 .390
CR .10 (.05) .17 .052 -.07 (.03) -.17 .043 .14 (.05) .24 .007
PS .23 (.08) .23 .004 -.07 (.05) -.11 .176 .04 (.08) .04 .589
PC -.14 (.05) -.22 .007 .16 (.03) .37 <0.001 -.18 (.05) -.28 <0.001
CR x PS .03 (.01) .16 .048 -.02 (.01) -.14 .088 .02 (.01) .11 .181
CR x PC -.02 (.01) -.19 .027 .01 (.01) .08 .363 -.01 (.01) -.04 .643
PS x PC -.03 (.02) -.15 .065 .01 (.01) .09 .291 -.01 (.02) -.07 .420
CR x PS x PC -.01 (.01) -.15 .095 .01 (.00) .22 .018c -.00 (.00) -.04 .706
Significant predictors, as well as significant changes in models (p < 0.05) are marked in bold. CR = Conversion rate, PS = Perfectionistic strivings, PC = Perfectionistic concerns, x = interaction between variables, B = unstandardized regression coefficient, SE B = Standard Error of B, β = standardized regression coefficient.
a For a graphical illustration of the interaction effect see Figure 1, panel A, and panel B for Johnson-Neyman regions of significance.
b For a graphical illustration of the interaction effect see Figure 2, panel A, and panel B for Johnson-Neyman regions of significance.
c For a graphical illustration of the effect of the three-way interaction see Figure 3, panel A, and panel B for Johnson-Neyman regions of significance.