Table 1. Overview of the hybrid SE/SGA season.
Lessons Season planning
1st AR-cycle
First phase:
team practice activities and informal practice matches
1-2 Diagnostic assessment (2vs2); Allocation of teams according to their LS; Volleyball quiz – questions about rules.
Learning stage 2 Learning stage 4
3-4 Within-team practice: Overhead and forearm pass; Receiver/non-receiver notion (0:2) with the inclusion of verbal communication; 2vs2. Within-team practice: Overhead pass, forearm pass and service (underhand and overhead); Students’ positions in serve-reception scenario (1:3); 4vs4.
5-6 Within-team practice: Overhead pass, forearm pass and underhand serve; “short-long” (anteroposterior displacements) with overhead and forearm pass; receiver/non-receiver notion (0:2), with the inclusion of verbal communication; 2vs2;
Students’ roles: design an exercise to solve an identified problem - lack of verbal communication between the two students and consequent assigning accountability zones.
Within-team practice: Overhead pass, forearm pass and spike; “whoever attacks, set” (chain two actions, receiving and attacking the ball); 4vs4;
Students’ roles: design an exercise to solve an identified problem - shooting difficulties due to technical problems in the distributor’s action.
7-8 Within-team practice: Anteroposterior and lateral displacements; Overhead pass, forearm pass; Receiver/non-receiver notion (0:2) with the promotion of communication and assignment of accountability zones; 2vs2. Within-team practice: Anteroposterior and lateral displacements; chain the distributor’s action (first contact) with the attacker’s (third contact); adjust movements to ball trajectories; 4vs4.
Students’ roles: implement the learning tasks created to solve the problems identified in the previous lesson.
9-10 Within-team practice: Lateral displacements; Overhead pass, forearm pass and underhand serve; watching the opponents’ placement and playing the ball to the vulnerable space of the opponent’s court; 2vs2;
Students’ roles: design an exercise to solve an identified problem - lack of reading the opponent’s behavior.
Within-team practice: Lateral displacements; Overhead pass, spike and block; Rotation of ‘mobile square’ in defense situation (1:2:1): to identify the space where the student is going to attack the ball and to distinguish back defense placement according to block action; 4vs4;
Students’ roles: design an exercise to solve an identified problem - Placement of the ball in spaces already occupied.
11-12 Within-team practice; Students’ roles: implementing the learning tasks built to solve the game-problems previously identified.
Focus group sessions
2nd AR-cycle
13-14 Within-team practice; Students’ roles: implementing the learning tasks built to solve the game-problems previously identified; prepare a proposal for the constitution of teams for the mix-competition; team captain.
Second phase:
15-16 Formal competition (graded competition, 2vs2; and mix-competition); Formal competition (graded competition, 4vs4; and mix-competition);
Students’ roles: referee, team captain, score, records keeper, manage one tournament-day; peer-teaching (coaching roles); and lead the warm-up.
17-18 Formal competition (graded competition, 2vs2; and mix-competition); Formal competition (graded competition, 4vs4; and mix-competition);
Students’ roles: referee, team captain, score; records keeper; lead the warm-up; peer-teaching (coaching roles); prepare the prizes for the culminating event.
19-20 Formal competition (graded competition, 2vs2; and mix-competition); Formal competition (graded competition, 4vs4; and mix-competition);
Culminating event with awards ceremony.