Table 1. Definitions of the different arm swing techniques with regards to wrist and elbow positions of the hitting arm during different phases and dynamics of the movement. Please note that the indicated phases (I, II, III) correspond to Figure 1. Phases IV and V are equal for all techniques and therefore not described (adapted from Giatsis et al., 2022, with permission). BA = Bow-and-Arrow.
Straight BA-High BA-Low Snap Circular
INITIATION OF THE COCKING PHASE (I): Elevation of wrist and elbow
Wrist above shoulder Wrist above shoulder Wrist above shoulder Wrist at the same height or above shoulder Wrist below or at the same height or above shoulder
Elbow above shoulder Elbow above shoulder Elbow above or at the shoulder height Elbow at shoulder height Elbow below or at the same height with shoulder
WIND-UP PHASE (II): Wrist position
Wrist above forehead Wrist above forehead Wrist between forehead and shoulder height Wrist at shoulder height Wrist moves down below elbow
FINAL COCKING POSITION (III): Wrist and elbow position
Elbow above shoulder; wrist above forehead; forearm above forehead Elbow above shoulder; wrist above forehead Elbow above or at the same height with shoulder; wrist between forehead and shoulder height Elbow and wrist at shoulder height Elbow and wrist at the same height or below shoulder
Full stop at final cocking position Full stop at final cocking position Full stop at final cocking position Full stop at final cocking position Continuous arm movement during the whole attack movement