Table 3. Age and sex of the participants. Age categories are expressed according to FITRI rules. (J: Junior; Ms; Master; P: Professional).
Cathegory Age (years) % of participants Number Sex (M/F; %)
J/S 1 18-24 1.4 154 76/24
Sr 2 25-29 6 641 80.3/19.7
S 3 30-34 12.3 1308 82.9/17.1
S 4 35-39 15.9 1692 86.2/13.8
Ms1 40-44 20.1 2142 88/12
Ms 2 45-49 19.6 2088 87.8/12.2
Ms 3 50-54 14.1 1505 86.6/13.3
Ms 4 55-59 6.2 665 87.7/12.3
Ms 5 60-64 2.1 221 90.5/9.5
Ms 6 65-69 0.6 61 86.9/13.1
Ms 7 70-84 0.2 25 88/12
P 1.4 151 73.5/26.5
Total 100 10653 86/14