Table 1. Procedure to perform the maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) of each muscle (Konrad, 2005).
Muscle group Description
Biceps brachii (BB) Seated on a chair and fastened securely at the elbow and trunk, the upperarm was placed on the table with the forearm about 90-110°, the hand in a fist position and supinated. Manual resistance applied forward against the distal forearm.
Triceps brachii (TB) Seated on a chair and fastened securely at the elbow and trunk, the upperarm was placed on the table with the forearm about 90-110°, the hand in a fist position and supinated. Manual resistance applied backward against the distal forearm.
Flexor carpi radialis (FCR) Seated on a chair and fastened securely at the elbow and trunk with the forearm horizontal and supinated, the hand in a fist. Manual resistance was applied downward against the hand.
Extensor carpi radialis (ECR) Seated on a chair and fastened securely at the elbow and trunk with the forearm horizontal and pronated, the hand in a fist. Manual resistance was applied downward against the hand.
The grey arrows represent the direction of resistance.