Table 3. Physiological and performance correlates of Squash Physical Performance Test (4 mM·L-1) for male, female and all players.
Final Lap 5 m Sprint Time COD Time RSA Total Time RSA Fatigue Index Sum of 7 Skinfolds Calf Girth Thigh Girth Squat Jump Counter-movement Jump
Male R vs 4 mM.L-1 Lap .63** -.33 -.37 -.54* .30 -.20 -.12 -.12 -.25 -.35
95% CI of R (±.3) (±.43) (±.42) (±.35) (±.43) (±.45) (±.53) (±.53) (±.55) (±.52)
n 19 18 18 18 18 18 14 14 12 12
Female R vs 4 mM.L-1 Lap .92** .36 -.50 -.65# -.57 -.53 .00 -.14 .35 .18
95% CI of R (±.15) (±.61) (±.56) (±.47) (±.52) (±.55) (±.75) (±.75) (±.77) (±.8)
n 10 9 9 9 9 9 7 7 6 6
All R vs 4 mM.L-1 Lap .86** -.55** -.72** -.81** -.32 -.68** .22 .13 .23 .12
95% CI of R (±.11) (±.28) (±.2) (±.15) (±.35) (±.22) (±.41) (±.43) (±.45) (±.46)
n 29 27 27 27 27 27 21 21 18 18
# represents correlation of p = 0.06,
*represents correlation of p ≤ 0.05,
** represents correlation of p ≤ 0.001. CI = Confidence intervals.